In our point of view, Facebook as a social networking element is not all bad. So what do you think? Do you agree with the statement? Iran at this moment have actually banned facebook from the country however as mention above, the youths do have ways to sneak through it. However, pirated versions of those are easily available on the black market.

This has led to blockades of "immoral" internet sites and banned Western music and movies.

Iranian officials have, for over three decades, been waging what they call a "battle against the invasion of Western culture."
Over 5 million websites are reportedly blocked in Iran, but Iranians use proxy software and virtual private networks (VPN) to access them. "Only the use of websites propagating religious criteria and not leading to any kind of ethical immoralities is of no problem," he added.Iran has a population of 70 million, of which than 60 per cent is under the age of 30. "Basically, going to any website which propagates immoralities and could weaken the religious belief is un-Islamic and not allowed, and membership in it is therefore haram (a sin)," the ayatollah replied. Source: And since he deems it un-Islamic to own a Facebook page, it's therefore a sin: Recently in World News, a senior Iranian Cleric, Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi-Golpaygani declared that it is Haram to use Facebook. Majlis will be on the 3rd day while the first two days there will be Forums, Competitions and more. This time Majlis Selawat is part of a 3 day Maulid programme by Sultan Mosque. Its confirm the next Majlis will be on the 5th of February 2012 in line with 12 Rabiulawal 1433H. We also would like to apologize on behalf of the committee if we lack in any matters during the session. Whatever the feedbacks were, the committee understands the problems now and wish to keep improving the Majlis from siri to siri. A more artistic direction would be considered to enhance the Majlis. From yesterdays feedback, the (wedding ceremony) should not be inserted into the program as it did not fit the flow of the program or if that would be done, it could be planned better to make flow nicer. Furthermore what's a Majlis Selawat with very few Qasidahs right? Insyallah this will be work on for the next Selawat Session.Ī review of external activities should be considered if it will fit the environment of Majlis. To reach out to the hearts of the Jemaah, Qasidahs are an important element. We have also realise that as we go along there's more talks than qasidahs. One of which is to balance the amount of Tazkirahs and Qasidahs. A lot of negative feedback for the last session yet many constructive suggestions were given to improve future Majlis. Yesterday, the Majlis Selawat Committee had a post event meeting.

Its been a long journey and we have since completed the 10th Majlis Selawat. TranslationO Allah! Bestow complete blessings and perfect peace on Sayyidina Muhammad and for his sake may all our difficulties be removed, all calamities and agonies prevented all needs fulfilled all our cherished desires obtained and a felicitous end to earthly life attained (with Imaan) and (give us) rain-showering clouds through the generous countenance of the Prophet, and (bestow blessings and peace as well) on his family and companions in every moment and every breath, as many times as is in Your Knowledge (that is unlimited blessings).TransliterationAllahumma salli salaatan kaamilatan Wa sallim salaaman taamman alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-I Nilladhee tanhallu bihil uqad wa tanfariju bihil kurab Wa tuqdhaa bihil hawaaij wa tunaalu bihir-raghaaib Wa husnul khawaatim wa yustasqal ghamaamu biwajhihil kareem Wa alaa aalihi wa sahbihee fee kulli lamhatin wa-nafas Bi adadi kulli maloomin-lakBenefitsIf read 41 timesafter fajr prayer will be successful with all the intentions in their heart and Allah will eliminate all the bad and facilitate all of lifes affairs.If read 313 timesA miraculous thing will open or open secrets from the ghaib-unseen.If read 4444 timeswill reach all his goals and the intention in this world and hereafter and open all doors of goodness To be read 4444 and dua made for ones intention for reading it.If read 1000 timesthen for him (will obtain) what was not possible by human kind and will obtain what not had been seen by the eyes, nor had been heard by ears and not had crossed in the heart of humankind.Alhamdulillah. Salawat Tafrijiyah (SalawatNariyah)Posted onJanuary 26, 2010|15 Comments