The Entune is smart enough to skip over all blanks so if I'm on 22, and 23-32 are blank, it wraps back around to 1 immediately. I'll cycle thru these using the steering wheel control. I've programmed in all the XM stations I care about lets say 1-22.

And I travel a lot anyway, so XM it is for me. I live in the boonies and therefore don't get local AM/FM with any clarity. Now when you scroll through presets, you will only hear Stations A, B, and C.Ĭlick to expand.This doesn't really describe my use case: (There is somewhat of a workaround for aftermarket radios as well - let's say your deck has 18 presets, but you only like 3 local stations - set them to repeat - i.e. I think all you can do in that case is set the number of presets to 19 and make the old station 20 your new preset 3 (Or if you liked them in a certain order, you would have to set old station 4 as preset 3, old station 5 as preset 4, etc.) Now - where it gets cumbersome is if you have 20 stations that you like to listen to and the one the was Preset 3 changed format from Hip-Hop to Classical, so you don't want to listen to it anymore. What you want to do is set the number of presets - so let's say there are only 5 stations in your area that you listen to - what you want to do is set the number of presets to 5 and then set your presets to only those stations. You don't really want to delete a preset station - all that would do if give you 15 worthless presets all tuned to static on 87.9.